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С праздником, товарищи! Ура!!! Respect Your Cat Day is o | A2B English

С праздником, товарищи! Ура!!!

Respect Your Cat Day is on March 28th every year. It's a day to celebrate and appreciate our feline friends and to raise awareness about treating cats with respect and kindness, recognizing their unique personalities and needs, and understanding the bond between cats and their owners. While there is no clear origin of this day, some historians suggest that it may be related to an edict by King Richard II of England that prevented people from eating cats, which was issued on March 28, 1384. On this day, cat owners are encouraged to acknowledge the hard work their cats put into being their loyal companions and to treat them with the respect they deserve.

appreciate - ценить
feline - кошачий
awareness - осведомленность
bond - связь, узы
edict - указ
prevent from - предотвратить
issued - издан, выпущен
encourage - поощрять